Advocates from the Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC) gathered in a tele-town hall to amplify their support for Medicare Advantage (MA) ahead of Election Day. The seniors were joined by Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI-11), who kicked off the conversation by emphasizing her commitment to safeguarding MA, which serves more than 33 million seniors and people with disabilities.
Why it matters: CMC advocates are urging policymakers in both parties to keep the bipartisan promise to protect MA, a vital part of the Medicare program that provides millions of Americans with access to better, more affordable health care than fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare.
What they’re saying:
- “It’s not partisan to defend Medicare Advantage because beneficiaries receive better health at lower costs, and so I am delighted and honored to play a role in this bipartisan promise to protect Medicare Advantage … As lawmakers, we must protect Medicare Advantage for the 33 million seniors and people with disabilities who count on this program for affordable, stable, high-quality health care.” – Rep. Haley Stevens
- “A few years ago, I had to have a hip replacement. I was in a lot of pain, and it was difficult to get around. My Medicare Advantage plan covered a significant portion of the cost, and it made the process so easy …I also rely on Medicare Advantage benefits, including coverage for my hearing aids and local fitness programs that really helped me with my hip when preparing for surgery and recovering. I’m very grateful for my plan and its benefits that have helped me stay healthy and active and involved in my community.” – Vicki, a CMC senior from Scottsdale, Arizona.
- “When I retired, I originally enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare, but then I switched to Medicare Advantage. I think that was the best decision I made, because my plan includes prescription benefits that help me afford the medication and the treatment, I need to manage my diabetes … I also appreciate that my plan reminds me when I need to make an appointment, and then it helps me coordinate any care I may need so that my doctor and I can always be on the same page about my treatment.” – Bill, a CMC senior from Las Vegas, Nevada.
- “My Medicare Advantage plan has been a huge help to me in dealing with my health because it covers the things I need to tackle any health issues that come my way … I love the fact that it focuses on preventative care and access to top tier provider networks, and I especially love the prescription drug coverage that makes medications affordable. I use several inhalers that would be very, very, very expensive without the drug coverage that I get through my Medicare Advantage plan. So overall, it’s a very positive experience with Medicare Advantage.” – Vicky, a CMC senior from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
The bottom line: For more than 33 million beneficiaries across the country, MA provides better care and better health outcomes at a more affordable price than FFS Medicare. CMC seniors are sending a clear message to policymakers and candidates from both political parties: keep the bipartisan promise to protect our MA.