Coalition News
August 19, 2024
Advocates from the Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC) activated across the country to thank their members of Congress for supporting and protecting Medicare Advantage. CMC seniors completed 28 meetings with their congressional representatives to share their stories and present lawmakers with certificates and letters of support for their commitment to protect Medicare Advantage.
Why it matters: Harmful policy changes to the Medicare Advantage program threaten to destabilize the coverage and care of more than 33 million seniors and people with disabilities.
What they’re saying:
CMC senior Bill Milam met with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) to present her with a certificate to recognize her long-time commitment to protecting the program.
CMC advocate Wayde Hall presented Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL-9) with a certificate and applauded him for backing Medicare Advantage for beneficiaries in Florida and nationwide.
Similarly, CMC senior Rob Wolf presented Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY-2) with a certificate to thank him for his ongoing support of Medicare Advantage – especially in the face of potential harmful policy changes to the program.
CMC senior David Marr met with Minority Whip Katherine Clark’s (D-MA-5) Outreach Manager Jay Higgins in Clark’s district office. David shared his personal Medicare Advantage story, explaining that he has seen the value of the program firsthand as a caregiver for his mother.
The bottom line: From CMC members to their elected officials in Washington, Medicare Advantage supporters are showing up and continuing the fight for the program. With this dedication, Medicare Advantage can continue to deliver lower costs and better health outcomes for the more than 33 million Americans who depend on it.