Letter: “I am so Thankful for Medicare Advantage”

October 12, 2021

Originally published in The Daily Gazette

Working as a clinical researcher and medical writer for over 30 years, I spent much of my life looking into medical conditions and illnesses. Becoming familiar with what can happen as you age, I became dedicated to regularly attending preventative screenings.

After I retired, however, I was worried that these preventative screenings would be too expensive to continue. Thanks to my Medicare Advantage plan, I am able to continue visiting my doctor because of the limited copays for these services.

I am so thankful for Medicare Advantage because it allows seniors, like me, to cover all of our needs at an extremely affordable price.

With a diverse array of benefits, from telehealth or grocery delivery, every person can access the care that works for them.

Should Congress decide to make cuts to Medicare Advantage, the health care seniors have access to will diminish. If copays become too high, I will no longer be able to afford my preventative testing and exams. I hope Sen. Chuck Schumer understands the additional stress and anxiety cuts would cause the senior community and fights to protect the 1.6 million New Yorkers who choose Medicare Advantage.

Laura Fantauzzi