Coalition News
February 23, 2023
85% of voters in key 2024 Senate battleground states believe that President Biden would be breaking his promise to protect Medicare if cuts are made to Medicare Advantage
February 23, 2023 — American seniors who choose Medicare Advantage want the government to fully fund the Medicare Advantage program. That’s the key finding of a survey conducted by Seven Letter Insight on behalf of the Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC), a national grassroots organization of more than 2 million Americans who are covered by Medicare Advantage. The survey, conducted from February 17 to February 20, shows near-unanimous satisfaction with Medicare Advantage, and it finds that funding it is extremely important for senior voters.
The polling comes as Medicare Advantage funding is at risk as a result of the Biden Administration’s proposed 2024 Advance Rate Notice for Medicare Advantage. Seniors who choose Medicare Advantage are concerned – they worry about increased costs, reduced benefits and tough spending choices if coverage becomes more expensive.
The survey found:
The poll reached 1,000 senior voters who are currently on a Medicare Advantage health care plan and included a 300-voter oversample from key 2024 Senate battleground states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Montana, West Virginia, Michigan, and Ohio. To learn more about survey methodology and senior voters’ perceptions of Medicare Advantage funding, click here.