Coalition Members Meet Virtually with the Office of Representative Sylvia Garcia

October 18, 2021

Texas Members of the Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC) recently had the chance to meet with staff from the office of Representative Sylvia Garcia (D-TX-29) to discuss the extensive benefits and affordable care provided by Medicare Advantage.

Coalition member Viola, a retired nurse, explained that when she was eligible for Medicare last year, she opted for Medicare Advantage, and it has been “the best thing she could have done.” She found that Medicare Advantage benefits far outweighed other plans while also being more affordable. Viola is on a fixed income, and shared that her Medicare Advantage plan has been a lifesaver, making it easier for her to afford the insulin she needs to treat her diabetes.

Susan, who is chair of the Texas Senior Advocacy Coalition, expanded on what Medicare Advantage means to senior Texans. She said that the Advocacy Coalition meets seniors every day who need quality health care, which they can access through Medicare Advantage. Susan herself is part of the Texas Retired Public School Employee system that offers Medicare Advantage plans. Because her husband is disabled, they rely heavily on their affordable coverage. Susan shared that she wants Representative Garcia to ensure no changes are made to the program that would negatively impact access to care for seniors and people with disabilities.

Gary, another Coalition member, spoke about his experience working with local seniors through the Area Agency on Aging. He shared that many people he counsels need Medicare Advantage because of their socioeconomic status. He stressed that Medicare Advantage is the perfect program for Texas seniors and encouraged Congresswoman Garcia to continue to support the program.

Coalition member Jean explained that she is asthmatic, and Medicare Advantage has been “a godsend” for her. She said that the program allows her to be independent at the age of 83, while connecting her with access to reduced-cost medicines and doctors’ appointments, as well as the Silver Sneakers fitness program.

Finally, Coalition member Betty spoke about the importance of advocating for Medicare Advantage. As part of the Texas Silver-Haired Legislature, Betty is dedicated to supporting Medicare Advantage. She explained that recent panels with Congresswoman Garcia have shown that she is committed to senior issues and supports the Medicare Advantage program so many Texans rely on. She thanked Congresswoman Garcia for her dedication to Houston and support of seniors on Medicare Advantage.

Representative Garcia’s staff said that Representative. Garcia supports Medicare Advantage and has signed several letters in support of the program. She concluded by saying that she knows that caring for seniors is a priority for the Congresswoman.

The CMC is grateful to the office of Representative Sylvia Garcia for meeting with our Coalition members and for her support of Medicare Advantage.