Coalition News
February 24, 2023
Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC) members across the country are telling their stories about the high-quality, affordable health care coverage Medicare Advantage delivers. Because of Medicare Advantage, enrollees can access comprehensive benefits and services at a price they can afford. The numbers don’t lie: 95% of seniors with Medicare Advantage say they enjoy the value and choices their plans provide. Recently, the Administration released its advance rate notice for Medicare Advantage, and the proposed changes could result in billions of dollars in cuts to the program, a decision that 83% of seniors say is unacceptable.
CMC members have published opinion pieces in media outlets across the nation and shared their stories about the value and importance of protecting Medicare Advantage. Here’s what they’re saying:
In Georgia’s Peach Pundit, Coalition advocate Louise talked about how Medicare Advantage serves diverse populations. She said, “Medicare Advantage provides peace of mind to important segments of our population that are traditionally overlooked. Nearly half of all racial/ethnic minorities eligible for Medicare choose Medicare Advantage, which is important to a racially and ethnically diverse state like Georgia.” Louise added, “Medicare Advantage is important to a whole lot of us in the Peach State. About 40 percent of Medicare Advantage enrollees make less than $25,000 per year. Most of these seniors live on a fixed income. As inflation continues to rise, a cut in Medicare Advantage payments and funding is something many of us just can’t afford.”
Rickie, a Coalition member from Delaware, noted the broad support for Medicare Advantage among enrollees and lawmakers alike in Wilmington’s Delaware News Journal. “An aspect I love about Medicare Advantage, especially when viewed on a national scale, is its bipartisan support. Medicare Advantage is one of those sensible, fiscally responsible programs that have a real impact on people’s health and livelihoods,” Rickie said. “It’s especially important to look at the demographics of who is impacted most by Medicare Advantage. 57% of the program’s enrollees are women, and 40% make less than $25,000 a year. This is a vital program for millions and millions of seniors.”
Christopher, an advocate from Arizona, wrote in Phoenix’s Arizona Capitol Times, “Medicare Advantage members have access to all of the preventative care, fitness programs, prescription drug coverage and other services they need to stay healthy. The program’s mission is the same as ours at Ability360 – to help Arizonans live as independently as possible and in control of their own care.” Those of us at Ability360 ask that the Biden administration reject cuts to Medicare Advantage and continue to support this vital program.”
Coalition member Jon also called on Washington to protect Medicare Advantage in the Arizona Daily Star, reaching readers across Tucson, when he said, “Medicare Advantage is an investment that we seniors have earned. I urge the Biden administration and our federal representatives to continue supporting this important program.”
Coalition members’ stories are a testament to the many ways Medicare Advantage delivers better services, better access to care, and better value to more than 30 million Americans. Stand up for American seniors and people with disabilities. Tell the Administration: Don’t Cut Their Care.