Coalition News
March 11, 2022
Coalition for Medicare Choices (CMC) members across the country are telling their stories about the high-quality, affordable health care coverage that Medicare Advantage delivers. Because of Medicare Advantage, seniors and people with disabilities can access comprehensive benefits and services at a price they can afford.
CMC members have published opinion pieces in media outlets across the nation and shared their stories about the value and importance of Medicare Advantage. Here’s what they’re saying:
Coalition member Vicki of Scottsdale, AZ wrote to the editor of the Daily Independent to discuss the bipartisan support for Medicare Advantage. “Over 637,000 Arizonans like me rely on Medicare Advantage. While much of politics has become polarized, I’m grateful this important program receives bipartisan support, including from Northeast Valley Rep. David Schweikert, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly, and other members of Arizona’s delegation.”
“Mental health tends to fall under the radar for older age groups,” according to Coalition member Carol from Oregon, “but thanks to programs like Medicare Advantage, seniors can access the services they need to keep their mental health strong.” Carol explained in her letter to The Times, “Especially following the isolation that was induced by the pandemic, mental health resources and champions of mental health stability have never been more important. I’m glad to see Medicare Advantage is tackling both of these components head-on.”
In Penn Live, Coalition member Stewart explained, “Nationwide, Medicare Advantage plans are providing peace of mind and delivering support to their communities ensuring vulnerable populations stay safe and health, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis. Some of the decisive actions taken by Medicare Advantage plans include areas such as: the elimination of patient cost-sharing for COVID-19 diagnostic testing, waiving patient cost sharing for COVID-19 treatment and vaccination and waiving costs and increasing access to telehealth services and offering expended benefits, such as mental health benefits and senior companionship opportunities.”
CMC advocate Slade had a piece published in the Denver Herald, Washington Park Profile, and Life on Capitol Hill, sharing his grandfather’s experience on Medicare Advantage. He said, “At 91 years old, he handles a host of health issues, including frequent falls. … And while these incidents used to result in high-priced medical bills, he has been able to access the care he needs for minimal costs since switching to Medicare Advantage earlier this year. In addition to covering the majority of his medical bills, he is able to access free transportation to and from his doctor’s appointments, which helps him get to all the appointments he needs since he can no longer drive.”
Coalition member Linda wrote to Central Maine saying “After enrolling in my Medicare Advantage plan, I have never had to worry about my health being taken care of. Because of the extensive benefits I can access, I have all of my preventative and reactive needs covered. Whether it be accessing companion care or at-home caregiver support, using my integrated vision, dental, and hearing benefits, or signing up for wellness programs and gym classes, Medicare Advantage covers all of my needs, and my coverage plan is incredibly easy to navigate.”
Coalition member Mark wrote, “Medicare Advantage provides me with proactive, high-quality, and affordable health care. I’m able to get the prescriptions I need for an affordable price and can continue to see the doctors I know and trust,” in his piece for The Modesto Bee.
In The Daily Bulldog, Stephanie, the Regional Manager of the Senior Planning Center shared, “Many of the seniors we work with have been able to join gym classes or seek out wellness programs that have increased their activity and given them new outlets for improving their physical and mental health. To put it simply, Medicare Advantage makes healthy living accessible for all seniors. I’m looking forward to connecting more seniors with the program this year and seeing the benefits that 28 million seniors across the country have access to because of Medicare Advantage.”
John, another Coalition member, expressed his gratitude for Medicare Advantage by saying, “Thanks to my coverage, I have reasonable caps on out-of-pocket expenses; a single, streamlined plan for prescription medications, doctors’ visits, and vision; and affordable premiums. At the end of the day, the coverage works perfectly for me,” in The Caledonian Record.
CMC advocate Diana wrote to The Elko Daily Free Press to share, “Many seniors have great difficulty finding a health care program that provides the care and benefits needed at a reasonable price. This is why I am such a fan of the Medicare Advantage plans. These plans have consistently low premiums and cap out-of-pocket costs so that medical expenses will never wipe out your life savings!”
Former West Virginia State House Representative and Coalition member Ron shared his thoughts with Lootpress saying, “With all of these elements combined, Medicare Advantage provides predictable health care coverage. Knowing I will continue to have access to my doctors, the care benefits I need, and the costs will stay consistent has a tremendous impact on my peace of mind.”
Coalition members’ stories are a testament to the many ways Medicare Advantage delivers better services, better access to care, and better value to more than 28 million Americans.